Sticky Toffee Croissants

I've often wondered what to do with stale croissants, and usually ended up feeding them to the chickens.  This is a variation of a recipe from and, once tasted, I simply had to share it!  It has to be the best way of using up left-over croissants I've ever discovered.  An instant hit with the family, and almost nicer than fresh croissants, it is a wickedly fattening, calorific, yummy pudding.... pass that spoon, I'm just going to tidy the edges up!

Sticky Toffee Croissants
Sticky Toffee Croissants

4 or 5 plain or chocolate croissants
2 tbsps “Camp” coffee essence
4 tbsps muscovado or soft brown sugar
4 tbsps runny honey
8 tbsps maple syrup
¼ pint double cream
8oz/100g butter
1oz pecan nuts (optional)

Preheat the oven to 220deg C and grease an oven proof ceramic dish.  Slice the croissants and arrange in the dish (add the pecans at this stage). 

In a pan, heat together all the other ingredients and bring to just under a boil.   Pour over the croissants and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until it is just browning.

Serve dusted with icing sugar, hot or cold, with plain ice cream or Greek yoghurt as it is VERY RICH!  

This, and many more exciting new recipes (at least 30 exclusive to the book) can be found in my book "Kate's Puddings, the Cookbook of the Blog" - simply click on: 


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