White Chocolate, Ginger and Pistachio Ice Cream

Lockdown or not, it's hot and that means only one thing.... ice cream!    Here's a new one I thought I'd test on my husband (no other family living with us - not sure if that's a blessing or a curse).   As three of his favourite things are ice cream, ginger and white chocolate, I was onto a winner.

If I'm honest, the flavour of the chocolate didn't come through all that well, although it added a delicious smoothness to the ice cream.    As you can see below, I added some of the chocolate in chunks as well as melting it, and that worked well.

If Amazon is your bag, make sure you get an ice cream maker pretty quickly - it's so easy to use and you can while away your solitary moments in devising new flavours.

White chocolate, pistachio and ginger ice cream

White Chocolate, Ginger and Pistachio Ice Cream  

3 egg yolks
1 pint/600ml double or single cream and milk mixed 
(more cream = richer ice cream)
1 tsp powdered ginger
3oz/75g caster sugar
75g white chocolate
3oz/75g (or more) chopped preserved ginger pieces (with some of the syrup)
2oz/50g chopped pistachios
25g chopped white chocolate

Warm the milk/cream in a pan until blood temperature.  Beat the eggs, ginger and sugar in a bowl, add the milk and cream and then pour it all back into the pan.  Slowly add the 75g of white chocolate, piece by piece, stirring all the time.  Allow the mixture to cool.   (If life is too short, omit the heating part, but melt the chocolate in the microwave and pour some of the cream/egg yolk mixture over it, mix well and pour it back with the rest of the mixture and stir it all in.)   Pour into an ice cream maker and churn until thick.   As it gets thicker in the ice cream maker, and you can see it is mostly ice cream and no longer slush, add the chopped ingredients.     Alternatively, add the chopped items at the end and stir them in.   They will cause the ice cream to warm up a bit, though. 

Makes approx. 1.5 litres. 

If there is any left over, put it into the freezer in a container with a lid, preferably wrapped in a bag or another container round it.   Microwave it for about 15 seconds before serving again. 


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